Web Pages That Suck - learn good web design by looking at bad web design


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The Daily Sucker - Current examples of bad web design

The Daily Sucker

Sites featured in articles like Worst Websites of 2010 often are redesigned, which explains why some sites mentioned in my articles don't match their current look. The Daily Sucker features current examples of bad web design which haven't been fixed (yet).

If you see a site that you think sucks, email the URL to me. No personal pages (personal pages are supposed to reflect the individual's personality and artistic freedom) or web site designers (it would look like a conflict of interest), or others of their ilk.

If I think there's some merit to your selection, I may post it along with some commentary. If you know of a site that qualifies, let me know.

World Series of Poker – Bad Web Design Example #1 for July 19, 2011

July 19th, 2011 4:04 am by Vincent Flanders

Vincent Flanders’ comments: I wanted to be a professional poker player long before it became respectable. Back in the early 1960’s you were looked upon as a criminal, which you were since gambling was illegal. Unfortunately—or fortunately—I didn’t have the necessary talent, math skills, and people-reading ability. Oh. I couldn’t keep a poker face, either. Heck, I don’t know the difference between the Big Blind and my Big Fat Ass.

Well, the World Series of Poker (WSOP) seems to have something in common with VF. It’s not good at math. I went to look up the background on Jody Howe. He had recently been eliminated from the tournament and I wanted to see how much he had earned. The page said he had earned a total of $13,349 in his career, but it listed his WSOP winnings as $160,036. In fact, it listed this number twice. In case the WSOP fixes their mistakes, here’s a screenshot of the erroneous page.

If you’re going to use numbers, make sure your back-end software works correctly.

Jody Howe background page at the World Series of Poker

Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design |