August 19th, 2011 1:01 am by Vincent Flanders
Submitter’s comments: Since you are or were Catholic I thought you might “like” this site. It’s seriously sucky!
Vincent Flanders’ comments: This church is located in Bellevue, Washington and I used to live in the slums of Bellevue. (Seattle area folks will get the joke. The estimated median house or condo value in 2009: $544,900. But not in the slums of Bellevue <sigh>.)
The home page is frame-based, which displays the page “correctly” only if you have a large monitor. If your monitor is smaller, you’ll see both sets of frames. The text is way too small and hard to read unless you’re close to the monitor. Sum/many of the subpages have completely different looks like the Confirmation and the Music Ministry pages. Some of the pictures are incorrectly scaled. There’s one 1.4Mb picture that’s 1,500px × 2,10px (scaled to 214px × 299px). Another is 1,024px × 683px (scaled to 700px × 466px). Some of the links open PDFs, but the links don’t identify them as PDFs.
As to the submitter’s comments: yes, I’m a pre-Vatican II, lapsed Catholic. The Latin at the beginning is a remnant from my days at a Jesuit high school. We had to put A.M.D.G. at the top of all our work. It means “For the Greater Glory of God.” That holy thought comes from the same folks who helped bring us the Spanish Inquisition.
St. Louise Catholic Church
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |
August 19th, 2011 1:01 am by Vincent Flanders

Thanks to Reddit for letting me know that Havenworks, one of the cornerstones of horrible, over-the-top web design and The Worst Website of 2008 is dead. Fortunately, still has a “working” copy.
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |
August 17th, 2011 12:12 am by Vincent Flanders
Submitter’s comments: Seizure, anyone?
Vincent Flanders’ comments: I have no idea what they do and I don’t care. I’m not sensitive to seizures, but this horrible flashing, strobing images made me feel like I was going to have one. WTF are these people thinking? Wait. They’re not thinking.
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |
August 15th, 2011 4:04 am by Vincent Flanders
Submitter’s comments: First, we have what is just overall weird design, where the Man from Mars
couldn’t figure out what the site is unless he already knew an awful lot about the site. Then we have Mystery Meat Navigation: a rectangle (not obviously a link) labeled Imprint Technologies is actually the contact link. Finally, all the content is presented in frames which, at least on my browser, fill up about 1/3 of the screen.
Vincent Flanders’ comments: On my portrait monitor, they don’t fill up that much space and the contact link is two-thirds down the page. The submitter is right. This is a very weird design. Usually, when people use frames they try to show all the content and try not to make their visitors scroll. On this site, they hide (unnecessarily) as much content as they can. What the Heck? We’ve got the repeating background, the strange colors and lack of contrast. Wow. Bizarre.
Imprint Technologies
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |
August 12th, 2011 1:01 am by Vincent Flanders
Submitter’s comments: Comic Sans alone would be enough but the ugly colors and confusing menus and “cram everything on the home page” philosophy just offends me. Someone needs to be taught what a menu is
actually for.
Vincent Flanders’ comments: Comic Sans? People are still using this font? If you don’t think this it’s aesthetically wrong to use this font, check Google. The home page rated a 41 (one of the lowest scores I’ve seen) on Page Speed, which tells me that Page Speed is actually got some cojones.
The information they provide is quite helpful and, with just a little work, this site could be presentable.
Pick Your Own
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design |