Web Pages That Suck - learn good web design by looking at bad web design


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The Daily Sucker - Current examples of bad web design

The Daily Sucker

Sites featured in articles like Worst Websites of 2010 often are redesigned, which explains why some sites mentioned in my articles don't match their current look. The Daily Sucker features current examples of bad web design which haven't been fixed (yet).

If you see a site that you think sucks, email the URL to me. No personal pages (personal pages are supposed to reflect the individual's personality and artistic freedom) or web site designers (it would look like a conflict of interest), or others of their ilk.

If I think there's some merit to your selection, I may post it along with some commentary. If you know of a site that qualifies, let me know.

Dell and TechRepublic – Bad Web Design Examples for October 4, 2011

October 4th, 2011 1:01 am by Vincent Flanders

this site is badly designed

Submitter’s comments: Probably a ghastly waste of bandwidth; certainly a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. I found this site by accident when I clicked in some blank space at the left of a TechRepublic article to put focus on that window again. TechRepublic’s “hidden” ad link probably qualifies as its own hurl inducing experience.

Vincent Flanders’ comments: What you don’t see on the above screenshot is the dizzying TV footage that is, at the very least, distracting. I’m not sure who is the target audience. The ad appears on a well-respected tech site (I certainly respect it). Perhaps the ad appears on an education website and a health care website, etc.

If you click one of the categories and go to one of the boxes, you’ll see that Dell uses light blue for their links. Dell also uses the same color on text in the box. Not a good idea.

As the submitter stated, he clicked the blue area to the left of the article to get focus on the window. Surprise! He didn’t know—and why would he—that this area is a link. I’m not fond of this technique. I can’t imagine many potential customers are snared this way. Maybe this is an old technique, but I’ve never seen it before. I hope I don’t see it again.

You need to see the ad in action so I made a video. I apologize for the audio. I think I set the quality too high.

Video of the sneaky ad technique

Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |

Cemetery Software – Bad Web Design Example for October 3, 2011

October 2nd, 2011 10:10 pm by Vincent Flanders

this site is badly designed

Submitter’s comments: Go back to the mid-1990s! My eyes kept focusing on the click here, but I really couldn’t tell why I should click there. Lots of color to distract you. Would I even consider buying their software? No way!

Vincent Flanders’ comments: Some visitors don’t believe that this type of website still exists—I’m afraid they do. Others believe that the owners know their sites are bad—No they don’t. I featured one website for “obvious reasons.” A while later, the owner wrote back and said he had revised the site and asked if it still sucked. I went to the site expecting something new and wonderful and I couldn’t see anything different except he removed a sound file that automatically played when the page loaded.

I suspect the owner of this site doesn’t know it sucks. It does. Go through Web Design Checklist 1—156 Mortal Sins That Will Send Your Site to Web Design Hell and Web Design Checklist 2 – 83 Potential Mortal Sins and see how many mistakes are made.

As an addendum. This (WPTS) site sucks. I’ve never been pleased with it, but that’s OK because this is WebPagesThatSUCK. Even though it sucks, it’s infinitely better than today’s sucker—or almost any sucker on here (except for some sites with just contrast issues). If his site sucked as much as mine, this would be a much, much nicer looking web.

Cemetery Software

Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |

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