Web Pages That Suck - learn good web design by looking at bad web design


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The Daily Sucker - Current examples of bad web design

The Daily Sucker

Sites featured in articles like Worst Websites of 2010 often are redesigned, which explains why some sites mentioned in my articles don't match their current look. The Daily Sucker features current examples of bad web design which haven't been fixed (yet).

If you see a site that you think sucks, email the URL to me. No personal pages (personal pages are supposed to reflect the individual's personality and artistic freedom) or web site designers (it would look like a conflict of interest), or others of their ilk.

If I think there's some merit to your selection, I may post it along with some commentary. If you know of a site that qualifies, let me know.

How and Why We Lie to Ourselves: Cognitive Dissonance

February 3rd, 2012 9:09 am by Vincent Flanders

An excellent article that partially explains (to me) why people who have sucky websites don’t understand their websites suck.

The key phrase is:

People will interpret the same information in radically different ways to support their own views of the world. When deciding our view on a contentious point, we conveniently forget what jars with our own theory and remember everything that fits.

If any of you folks out there are looking for a good research project, I think examining people who have sucky websites but think they don’t suck, would be pretty darn interesting.

How and Why We Lie to Ourselves: Cognitive Dissonance

Posted in Not a Daily Sucker, Web Design, You Should Read |

Who is Pennyjuice? – Example of Bad Web Design for February 3, 2012

February 2nd, 2012 11:11 pm by Vincent Flanders

A bad website

This is the Daily SuckerSubmitter’s comments: This site is a rainbow-licious flavor of suckiness. Yikes! And thanks for your service to the Internet :-)

Vincent Flanders’ comments: This is an internal page for a company that makes “100% blended fruit juice concentrate that is specifically designed for childcare centers, preschools, Head Starts, etc.” Since many of those in their target audience are too young to read, I don’t understand the need for rainbow colors, centered text and lots of ALL CAP TEXT mixed in with regular text. I doubt the real target audience (administrators and purchasing agents) appreciates the design and layout. Well, I hope they don’t appreciate it.

Fortunately, in the HTML version there doesn’t seem to be any animated GIFs, but in the Flash version of the site there is at least one animation. The Flash version doesn’t really need to exist. The HTML version would be sufficient—except for the reasons cited above.

Interestingly, the above page was given a 95 by Yslow (but a 78 by Page Speed). The back end seems to be in better shape than what the public sees.

As a lark, I did a quick search for [juice company] and the first result I clicked was a sucker on the high-end of the spectrum: Odwalla. It’s an expensive Flash-based site that wastes your time.

For grins I clicked on Naked Juice and the site is infinitely better than either of the two mentioned

Who is Pennyjuice?

Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |

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