July 24th, 2012 12:12 am by Vincent Flanders

Submitter’s comments: Turn your speakers down.
A Friend of mine found this website. “A lifelong Flatbush resident, Mindy is the first young woman in the history of New York to run for New York State Senate. The Orthodox Jewish woman, aged 22, is the candidate for both the Republican and Conservative party lines. Mindy intends to utilize her religious values and moral compass as her guide. ‘I can tell you one thing, I have no experience in corruption,’ said Meyer. ‘This is how politics has to change. There is always corruption, but I have the intention to follow my values and ensure that none of what happens in my district is corrupt.'”
I am not sure this is real…. but it surely reeks. See Diva of the District.
Vincent Flanders’ comments: It’s my favorite time of year—election season. It’s the time when really bad websites pop up only to fade away after the election. Apparently, Ms. Meyer’s website has drawn other media attention: Mindy Meyer’s ‘State Senate Campaign’ Website Explodes On Twitter, Is Truly Awful.
While examining the source code for the site, I noticed that the song that keeps playing is called LMFAO.mp3. Hmm. I know I LMFWAO (Laughed My Fat White Ass Off) when I viewed the site. I’m sure you’ll laugh your ass off when you see it.
I have no idea if this person is qualified to be a State Senator; however, if she’s using the sound file without paying royalties (or it’s not her original song), then she’s violating copyright laws and this would disqualify her because she claimed to have “no experience in corruption.” Well, maybe not corruption, but it is criminal activity. She should read my article Why You Can’t Use Music On Your Website. It always amazes me that people think they have the legal right to put music files on their websites without paying for the privilege.
The pink is just a little too-too.
Mindy Meyer for NYS Senate
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |
July 23rd, 2012 1:01 am by Vincent Flanders

Submitter’s comments: When I was a kid, these guys had tons of odd army surplus stuff in their mail order catalog. Somehow they didn’t make the transition to the Web.
Vincent Flanders’ comments: Let me paraphrase the New York Times’ comments: “Kaufman’s Army & Navy website is a musty, chaotic place.”
The home page is a needless Flash-Splash page that doesn’t show up on mobile devices and leads to another Flash-Splash page which autoloads the page we’re discussing. There’s no navigation, just one long page. One long page that doesn’t have any kind of selling proposition.
Kaufman’s Army & Navy
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design |
July 18th, 2012 2:02 am by Vincent Flanders

Submitter’s comments: A gentleman filed a bug report with Mozilla stating that Mozilla 13.01 broke his legacy code, depending on CSS and legacy Javascript that are now becoming deprecated. Genuinely curious, I decide to check out the site that OP left in his post. It’s Jesus on Acid, playing the one man band, on steroids. His post mentions 16 more domains, and with a bit of digging I found them and more. They are ALL equally as bad.
Over the top winner for the year? (some may be duplicates). An epilepsy warning may be warranted here too.
Presented for your amusement.
Vincent Flanders’ comments: I counted 9 sites that could easily be the Worst Web Site of 2012. Maybe this block of fetid crap deserves its own category.
Forget the design horrors for a moment. There’s actually some important lessons here.
- Don’t use vendor specific CSS properties. If you do, expect them to eventually break.
- Put your CSS in external files.
- Put your Javascript in external files.
Good Web Design is BI Web Design

I have never understood how web design like Constellation 7 exists. As I’ve often said:
…(it’s) a classic example of Mistake #6 from Biggest Mistakes in Web Design 1995-2015 — “Have you ever seen another web site? Really? Doesn’t look like it.“ I call this type of design the “I haven’t taken my antipsychotics in a while school of web design.”
As I looked at the Worst Over-The-Top Websites of 2011 I saw the site for Geral W. Sosbee vs FBI. Then it hit me. If you’re an FBI agent who’s following someone, you’re supposed to Blend In (BI). It’s the same with a spy. You Blend In so that nobody really notices you. Today’s sucker and almost all the sites on WPTS are like the red man in the image above —they don’t blend in.
Good web design blends in. It’s not noticed.
NOTE: ALL THESE SITES MIGHT CAUSE SEIZURES. They “work” in IE9 and Firefox 14.01. Seems like there are some problems with Chrome.
Constellation 7
The rest of the sites that look like they came from the depths of hell (irony intended):
Galaxion – The Final Frontier
Zion Genesis
Treasureweb Public Start Page
The Seven Thunders of the Living God
The Word of God Is Jesus Christ and His Holy Gospel
The Perfect Poverty Eradication System
PSIlink: The Memory Game of the Millennia
The Mazzaroth Mission
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |
July 16th, 2012 4:04 am by Vincent Flanders

Submitter’s comments: So I’m doing some research that, for some reason or another, induced me to look up the effects of organophosphates on corrosion rates of metals. Pretty dry stuff, and typically pretty dry web pages. No problem, that. Until I came across this page.
Their main page isn’t any better, and the company’s home page is just about a tacky as can be, with the benefit (!?) of cheesy foreground music (It’s too annoying to be background music).
Presented for your amusement.
Vincent Flanders’ comments: The least problematic aspect of the site is its use of Flash. Flash for building websites is dead, dead, dead. Flash is for games and high end video. It will never come back to life, so don’t get your hopes up for Zombie-Flash.
Among the major flaws we have Mystery Meat Navigation, sound files that automatically play when you enter a page, and serious contrast issues. The site is a major contender for Worst Website of 2012 and I only a major redesign will keep it from the list. Just for grins, I searched "water services" on Google and came up with CleanWater Services. Even with the cartoon, it’s infinitely better than today’s sucker, which will end up on Over-the-top Websites.
I love the fact that turning the music off on one web page doesn’t turn it off on others.
I’ve spent the last 1o months taking care of my grandson for 8 hours a day for 4 days a week. I haven’t been able to devote as much time as I would have liked to the site—no new Daily Suckers for a month—and coming back to this monstrosity of a website is much worse than dealing with a 16-month old toddler. You should see what’s in store for tomorrow.
Water Services, Ltd.
The organophosphorus page
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |