January 10th, 2014 2:02 am by Vincent Flanders

This last group is pretty amazing and a lot of them will end up on the final list which is due out Monday, January 13. Catch the new responsive design and let me know if it doesn’t respond to you.
Worst Websites of 2013 Contenders: July through December
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |
January 10th, 2014 1:01 am by Vincent Flanders

Submitter’s comments: If Lorem Ipsum is considered gibberish, what does that say for the bios for the floor installers at TriFloor.com?
Vincent Flanders’ comments: Obviously, they’re going to fix this mistake within hours of this post. This is one of those easy-to-fix mistakes that shouldn’t be made in the first place. Here’s a screenshot of all the installers that’s blown up 200% so you can easily the Lorum Ipsum text.
The other huge mistake is the text color—you can’t read the text when it’s at its normal size. Contrast where are you?
Triangle Flooring and Surfaces – The Installer Page
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design |