Canada: A Creative Nation – An Example of Bad Web Design for March 3, 2014
March 2nd, 2014 10:10 pm by Vincent Flanders
Submitter’s comments: I stumbled upon something so unbelievably bad, well, I still can’t believe it. It’s the new site “Canada: A creative nation” made by the government of Canada.
Usually, you would expect an official government web site to at least look professional. This one illustrates perfectly how, when you try to “be creative”, breaking all usability and web design principles is a great way to distinguish yourself… indeed, this is a unique site, one that all Canadians can be proud of. :-)
Try the French version as well as the English one, so you get to appreciate this wonderful site in both of our official languages. By the way, none of the links a the bottom of the page are working…. some link to ‘#”, some link to non existing pages… nice :-)
Vincent Flanders’ comments: Oh boy. It’s bad enough it takes forever to load, but then you get some good old skeuomorphic web design. Like we’re idiots or something. Please take a look at the subpages and try to navigate in the rooms.
Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |
Kit 80p · 578 weeks ago
I didn't go any deeper into the site simply because of the problems right at the beginning.
b2blogcom 38p · 578 weeks ago