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The Daily Sucker - Current examples of bad web design

The Daily Sucker

Sites featured in articles like Worst Websites of 2010 often are redesigned, which explains why some sites mentioned in my articles don't match their current look. The Daily Sucker features current examples of bad web design which haven't been fixed (yet).

If you see a site that you think sucks, email the URL to me. No personal pages (personal pages are supposed to reflect the individual's personality and artistic freedom) or web site designers (it would look like a conflict of interest), or others of their ilk.

If I think there's some merit to your selection, I may post it along with some commentary. If you know of a site that qualifies, let me know.

Gathering of Nations – An Example of Bad Web Design for April 30, 2014

April 29th, 2014 10:10 pm by Vincent Flanders

The Daily Sucker - an example of bad web design

Submitter’s comments: Love the organization, but whaaa? Try and find how you buy tickets.

Vincent Flanders’ comments: You would think there would be a prominent spot at the top of the home page telling you how to buy tickets. You would also think they wouldn’t be using what amounts to a splash page as the first page visitors see. Granted, the graphic is very artistic but if I want to see something artistic, I’ll go to a museum. The garishly huge and very yellow “CLICK HERE TO ENTER” may have set a new record for the largest “Click here” link in history. Bigger is not always better.

The side navigation is too far down the left side of what should be the real home page. This page doesn’t fit on my monitor and I have to scroll horizontally to read the text.

Oh, I almost forgot. My favorite part of the home page is where it states:

 Celebrating 31 years on the World Wide Web 

Let’s see. Tim Berners Lee created the first web page in 1990 and it wasn’t really revealed to the world until 1991 so…their math is wrong.

Gathering of Nations

Posted in Daily Sucker, Usability, Web Design, Worst Web Sites |