Where you learn good Web design by looking at bad Web design. |
Speeches and ConsultingLooking for a speaker who will entertain while educating your audience? Speeches and Consulting. (new site -- FYWS) |
The Daily Sucker -- What's New in Bad DesignI couldn't predict every new sucky design technique that would come along when I wrote my books because there's always a new way to do something bad. |
You Think These 11 Sites SuckI can't always use every sucky site suggestion I receive. Here are some you think suck. |
The Two-Minute OffenseMatch Wits With the Wit of Web Design Usability and Develop Your Critical Eye With Vincent Flanders' Two-Minute OffenseTry it, you'll like it. It's a great classroom exercise. (new site -- FYWS) |
Fixing Your™ Web SiteLearn how to fix the problems that you have on your Web site. (new site -- FYWS) Mystery Meat NavigationCurrently, this is the most evil form of navigation in existence. (new site -- FYWS) Fixing Your™ Web Site
Original Web Pages That Suck
Sign up for the WPTS / Fixing Your NewslettersSubscribe. (new site -- FYWS)
My Book Has More Suck for the Buck!Read about the best-selling Web design book that won't bore you to death. A look at the back cover should convince you it's not boring. More Suck for the Buck! Free, Printable Chapter of Son of Web Pages That SuckHere's a free tip: Your links should never be as long as the one above. Books That Don't SuckHere are some books that I think don't suck. (new site -- FYWS)
MiscellaneousHere are items that don't neatly fit elsewhere. FAQWhat seems obvious to me, isn't obvious to everybody else. Here are the most frequently asked questions I receive here at WPTS. One of the questions I always get is, "Why can't I find your e-mail. Well. Here's my e-mail address. Legal © 1996-2002 Flanders Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Digital Imagery © Copyright 2001 PhotoDisc, Inc. |