The Worst Web Design Techniques Featured on Web Pages That Suck in 2005
Note: The following sites were first listed eight years ago. Many have been fixed and I've provided screen captures or videos of the original site, if possible.
I started this site back in 1996 and every year I've planned to hold my version of the "Razzies for the Web." I wanted to honor those web sites that made us feel good about our skills — "Hey, my site isn't THAT bad."
In 2005, Web Pages That Suck featured 293 Daily Suckers. Of that total, I considered 117 bad enough to be possible candidates for the "Worst Web Design Techniques Featured on Web Pages That Suck in 2005." The short list consisted of 57 sites.
After viewing the "winners" you'll probably say to yourself, "I've seen worse website car wrecks than what's here." Contrary to public perception, Web Pages That Suck (WPTS) does not just feature web design car-wrecks. If I just wanted car wrecks, I'd put up only sites created with Microsoft FrontPage. These sites have at least one major problem that's seen over and over again. Now that you've seen them, don't make the same mistakes.
Here are the "winners" in my completely arbitrary categories:
The "Worst Web Design Techniques Featured on Web Pages That Suck in 2005" Award Goes to Brown University Graduate School
You can run but you can't hide thanks to's Wayback Machine. The folks at Brown fixed the site — and made it the way it should have been in the first place. has the ugly truth. Mouse over the boxes at the top and you'll some of the worst Mystery Meat Navigation ever created.
The person who suggested this site to me wrote:
"Here's a page with the worst Mystery Meat Navigation I have ever seen. I was thinking of applying to Brown for graduate school, and their web site is pissing me off so much that I will probably just forget about it."
The YouTube video above shows the the bad navigation of the old site along with why the current version sucks.
The "Should Be a Shoo-In For Next Year's Worst Web Design Techniques Featured on Web Pages That Suck in 2006" Award Goes to: The Association of International Glaucoma Societies
I know only too well that when you think you've been to the edge and seen the worst, something else comes along that sends you over the edge. I wanted to give you a look at the leading candidate for next year's top award.
There are times when you look at a web page and your jaw just drops in amazement. This is one of those times.
Not only do they have their very own "Glaucoma Hymn"as background music, you can choose "Suspicious Minds" by Elvis Presley if you're feeling less operatic.
After being nominated, the organization's attempt to improve the page consisted of removing the hymn — from playing. To try to preserve the feeling of the site, here's an excerpt from a speech I gave that I've posted to YouTube:
YouTube Video of Glaucoma Society's website
Here's a higher quality version of the same video at SmugMug
Association of International Glaucoma Societies (Current web site)
The "No Spelling Checker Software Will Help You Pubic Service" Award Goes to Haran, Watson & Company:
Of course they fixed the typo — "pubic accountant" instead of "public accountant" — which was, I believe, on every TITLE tag on every page of their site, so here's a screen shot of their very pubic mistake.
It always pays to check, double check and triple check your spelling. After that, get somebody else to check it as well. ESPECIALLY if the error is going to be reproduced on every page of the site :-)
Vincent Flanders' comments: This note reminds me how much I miss one of the spell check features in the old Wang Word Processing system. The feature was "Delete from dictionary" and I don't think any current spell checker offers anything similar. If it did, then this firm of dignified accountants would have deleted the word "pubic" and the title of all their pages wouldn't have ended up "Certified PUBIC Accountants" (I added capitalization).
The folks at Haran Watson & Company shouldn't feel too badly about the mistake because Google found around 11,000 pages that mention a pubic accountant (true when I wrote this back in 2005).
This typo reminds me of the days when I worked in a steno pool. I was typing up the job description of the Director of Information Services and I entered the phrase "Must keep a breast of current developments" instead of "Must keep abreast of current developments."
The "Ars Brevis, Vita Longa" Award for Bad Web Design Goes to: Visual Arts League
Sites like this one and many other of my award winners make me glad Microsoft killed off their FrontPage (or as I like to call it "AffrontPage") HTML editor.
What's most frightening is the site hasn't really changed since 2005. In case it does change, I have a large screen capture (4Mb).
Other comments #1: The Visual Arts League is mind-blowing in its own way: shouldn't artists have some concept of the basic principles of graphic design? Shouldn't they comprehend how to make something not ugly? I have no art training beyond junior high school art classes, but even I know when something looks hideous, and that certainly does. But it doesn't quite reach the eye-tearing horror of some of the others you've featured.
The "Proof That San Francisco Courts Are Going to Hell" Award Goes to: Superior Court of California County of San Francisco
I have no words to describe this creation. One of my readers works in the legal industry and she has to visit this site occasionally to access information about San Francisco courts. She wasn't happy.
The site is being fixed. This link will take you to a full-size screen capture of the original site
Superior Court of California County of San Francisco (Current web site)
The "A Cave Can be a Black Hole of Death Creepy Navigation Award" Goes to The National Showcaves Centre for Wales:
Leave it to the Brits to come up with a Black Hole of Death. Navigational metaphors just don't work. Please stop using them. Thank you.
The National Showcaves Centre for Wales Clicking the link or the graphic above takes you to a video of how the site looked when it made this list.
Here's a higher quality version of the same video at SmugMug.
The current website. Not as horrific, but still suffers from major web design mistakes.
The "Germans Can't Dance When They've Eaten Too Much Wiener Schnitzel Mystery Meat" Award Goes to Tanzschule Buck
Most of the Daily Suckers involving Flash have one redeeming feature: They are pretty to look at. This one, for a dance school in Hamburg, Germany, doesn't even look good. The splash page is the first time I've ever seen Flash used to emulate FrontPage.
They've "fixed" the site, although I think the new site still sucks — but in an HTML-kind of way.
Here's a quick video at SmugMug about how the site used to look and why it sucked.
Tanzschule Buck (Current "fixed" site)
The "People's Choice Award for Overall Bad Web Design" Award Goes to Hayden Video Weddings
It's been fixed See below for video of original site
Originally, I wrote:
The readers of this site have spoken. Well, 1,000+ people have spoken through a poll I ran.
This site beat some very strong competition — heck, it beat a lot of the other sites that won in their category, including the site I picked as the worst of the lot (Brown University Grad School).
Well, of course, they fixed the site and today it looks like this. To say that it looks better is like saying Tom Cruise looks better than I look. On the other hand, it's excessive in a sugary "We're getting married" way.
To appreciate how far they've come, here's what the site that my readers voted the worst looked like:
Hayden Video Weddings (same link as YouTube video above)
Hayden Video Weddings (current site)
The "Pope May Be Infallible When He Talks About Religion, But Not When He Talks About Web Design" Award Goes to Pope John Paul II
It's not every day that a dead pope is fodder for criticism, but today's the day.
Other comments #1: In the early ages of the Internet I often visited your web site for some tips or to show others why a particular solution or design they implemented didn't work.
Today after the passing away of the John Paul I thought I'd give his web site a try and look into the history of these things.
Lo-an'-behold is this bad navigation or what?
First there is a Mystery Meat Navigation with intrusive JavaScript popups and then there's "try to find a certain letter he wrote, only if you know the year he wrote it."
Other comments #2: I don't know whether to call this entry Mystery Meat Navigation or "Dead Meat Navigation." It's a perfect example of web page design gone crazy.
There are 95 images that have to load. That's just a tad excessive.
This is a sinful site and somebody needs to go to confession. Right now.
Other comments #3: Ah, it's no wonder they didn't notice anything wrong with it. The JavaScript is specifically designed to use Dynamic HTML for the popups only if a browser supports document.all or document.layers — otherwise it displays them as modal dialogs. No doubt the designers only tested the site in IE, so they failed to realize how UTTERLY BLEEDING AWFUL it is in Mozilla and Safari...
The "Worst Design on a Site That Discusses Web Design" Goes to Web Pages That Suck
You don't have to click the link, you're here.
I've always taken a perverse pride in the design of WPTS — it is, after all, called Web Pages That Suck — but a lot of people don't get it.
A longer explanation of why the site looks the way it does can be found here.
Why don't I change the design? I have changed the look over the years (and most of them are ugly).